Friday Feel Better Challenge – When You Hit Rock Bottom, Quit Digging
This week’s Friday Feel Better Challenge is to find an accountability partner. If you know someone you trust who will support you as you try to make changes, great! Give them a call and ask them to be your accountability partner.
What do they need to do? An accountability partner needs to be the Tough Love person in your life. They need to have complete compassion for what you’re going through and love on you when you need it. Then, when you’re making excuses for why you can’t get better, or why it’s too hard to change things, they’ll be that voice of encouragement to get you moving towards taking action to change your situation no matter how hard it is.
Can’t think of someone who would be good at that? Why not join me in a Journey to Joy Accountability Group. Join with other people who are going through the same thing you are. They may be able to provide exactly what you need and you may be able to provide someone exactly what they need. And, I’ll be that voice of encouragement, using tough love where necessary to help you do those things which will make a world of difference in your life, but seem too overwhelming to attempt on your own.
Need help implementing these self-care strategies in your own life? Check out my Joy Journal. It’s a combination planner/journal to help support attempts to manage your emotions and make positive habit changes.