Tagged: Gratitude

guest blogger talks about manaing panic attacks

What’s Wrong with Me?

My heart is racing, and my breathing is quick and shallow.  I feel like I need to run, run fast and not stop.  Life seems to be spinning out of control.  My body is...

Words of Wisdom

Need more inspiration and encouragement? Join me on Facebook on the Sadness to Joy page. That’s where you’ll find the daily encouragement and accountability you need to help bring your plan into existence.

Words of Wisdom

Need more inspiration and encouragement? Join me on Facebook on the Sadness to Joy page. That’s where you’ll find the daily encouragement and accountability you need to help bring your plan into existence.

Words of Wisdom

Need more inspiration and encouragement? Join me on Facebook on the Sadness to Joy page. That’s where you’ll find the daily encouragement and accountability you need to help bring your plan into existence.